Fuel Management & Optimisation

Fuel Management & Optimisation

Fuel accounts for one of the biggest operational costs for mines. The biggest problem arises from:

  • The inability to instantly identify, locate and trace unauthorised transactions (Diesel Theft).
  • Inability to link diesel consumption with equipment performance.
  • Inability to identify biggest cost drivers in terms of individual operator’s driving behaviour.
  • Inability to link diesel consumption with cycle times in the loading and hauling cycles.
  • Inability to visualise the entire diesel management and spend in real-time
  • Inability for operators to visually see their respective consumption spend based on operational behaviour during an active shift.
  • Inability to identify bad road conditions impacting diesel consumption instantly and actively in real-time during operational hours.

We seamlessly solve all the above problems with ease.

Our diesel optimisation approach?

  • We provide a single and complete Diesel Value Chain view from delivery, filling bays, truck & bowser allocations, and consumption all the way to equipment and operator level.
  • We provide management summary (Asset Analytics and Locations Analytics).
  • We provide Fuel Transactions analytics.
  • We compile Load and Haul Diesel Specific Cycle Analytics with associated initiatives to drive improvement.
  • We also provide instant notifications as well as Foreman and Crew Summary for Diesel Consumptions and Crew Performance.
  • We instantly Identify Road conditions with impact on diesel consumption through our technology. The haul road maintenance team is then equipped with real-time road condition data to make informed decisions on priority areas requiring maintenance.

The mining industry has always been under scrutiny for its environmental impact. The industry is one of the largest consumers of fuel, which not only adds to the operational costs but also contributes significantly to CO2 emissions. Therefore, the need for fuel optimisation in mining operations has become critical in recent times. Fuel optimisation is a process that involves improving the efficiency of fuel consumption in mining operations. The process aims to reduce the fuel consumption per unit of output, resulting in cost savings and a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

The Process of Fuel Optimisation in Mining Operations

The process of fuel optimisation in mining operations involves several steps, including:

  • Conducting a Fuel Audit: A fuel audit is the first step in the process of fuel optimisation. The audit involves measuring the fuel consumption of all the equipment used in mining operations. The audit helps in identifying the equipment that consumes more fuel than required and identifies areas where fuel consumption can be reduced.
  • Upgrading Equipment: Once the audit is complete, the next step is to upgrade the equipment used in mining operations. Upgrading equipment includes replacing old and inefficient equipment with new and more efficient models that consume less fuel.
  • Implementing Fuel-Saving Strategies & Integrating Different Systems: The third step in the process of fuel optimisation is implementing fuel-saving strategies. These strategies include reducing idle time, reducing speed, and implementing maintenance programmes to ensure equipment operates at optimal efficiency.
  • Monitoring Fuel Consumption: The final step in the process of fuel optimisation is to monitor fuel consumption continuously. Monitoring helps in identifying any deviations from the expected fuel consumption levels and enables quick corrective action.

The Benefits of Fuel Optimisation in Mining Operations

Fuel optimisation in mining operations offers several benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings: Fuel optimisation results in reduced fuel consumption, resulting in cost savings. The cost savings can be significant, especially for mining operations that consume large amounts of fuel.
  • Reduced CO2 Emissions: Fuel optimisation results in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, thereby reducing the environmental impact of mining operations.
  • Improved Efficiency: Fuel optimisation results in improved efficiency of mining operations. The equipment operates at optimal efficiency, resulting in increased output and reduced downtime.
  • Improved Corporate Social Responsibility: Fuel optimisation is an essential aspect of corporate social responsibility. Mining companies that implement fuel optimisation demonstrate their commitment to reducing their environmental impact and contributing to sustainable development.

In summary, fuel optimisation in mining operations is a critical aspect of the mining industry. The process involves conducting a fuel audit, upgrading equipment, implementing fuel-saving strategies, integrating various systems, and monitoring fuel consumption. Fuel optimisation offers several benefits, including cost savings, reduced CO2 emissions, improved efficiency, and improved corporate social responsibility. By implementing fuel optimisation, mining companies can contribute to sustainable development while improving their bottom line.