About Who We Are


Who we are

We are a productivity improvement-driven company with divisions focusing on Digital Transformation for various Industries, Mining Services, Management Consulting, Energy Management & Energy Supply, Data Analytics, eHealth Systems, Mineral Processing & Construction. We also partner and work with ambitious companies within our sectors to help optimise our clients businesses through practical digital solutions.

SmartOps is a Level 1 BBBEE entity that is 100% Black Youth Owned. Our team has a collective experience of over 100 years in various fields of our organisations' expertise. We believe in providing services and solutions that can ultimately enhance operational performance by leveraging on practical digital technologies where required to drive sustainable results across the sectors we operate in.

Simplified Consulting Offering

img Performance Management System

The digital revolution has given us access to data about almost every element of our businesses. This is more data than we actually need. How do we interact with this data to effectively manage the performance of our people, processes and systems?

  • Meaningful KPIs
  • Business Modelling
  • Data transformation & staging
  • Collecting valuable data
  • Effective data analysis
  • Control Charts
  • The power of histogram
  • Real-time decision making
  • Data presentation techniques
  • Review loop

img The Human Factor

As we build new business models for the mines in the 4th Industrial Revolution (Mine of the Future), effectively engaging people remains a key business imperative. How do we deal with increasing complexities of leading and engaging people during this transitional phase into the future?

  • Schedule discipline and visibility
  • Schedule discipline and visibility
  • Management routines
  • Levels of work measures and accountability
  • Short interval control

img Work Management

Technology integration into existing business processes is disrupting our work management systems. How do we forecast, plan, schedule and resource our business processes to achieve continuous improvement and build sustainability?

  • Driving accountability
  • Building trust & commitment
  • Visioning
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Buy In & how to make it happen
  • Resolving conflict effectively
  • Planning effective meetings
  • Facilitation like a pro
  • Effective training delivery

img Systems Thinking

A mining business is a complex dynamic system of interconnected activities, and the digital revolution adds to the complexity. How do we develop and implement the systems acumen required to enhance strategic and real-time decision-making capabilities for the mine of the future.

  • Identifying & managing constraints
  • Value stream mapping
  • Identifying & reducing variation
  • Understanding flow
  • Defining opportunities
  • Identifying & measuring impact
  • Operational planning
  • Digital twin scenario design

What sets us apart

    A key belief in technology driving behaviour change

Traditionally businesses have tried to lead digitisation through their current behaviours. In order to succeed, it is critical that the technologies assist in developing and driving new behaviours.

    Swift and efficient implementation

In order to succesfully digitally transform, we aim for swift implementation that enhance results, adoption and promotes ownership across the organisation.

    A constant pursuit to ensure your business is data-driven

Through our experience, we have realised that the most successful businesses are highly data-driven, and we aim to bring this approach to your business.

    Timeous and professional project management

Digitisation is a process with many moving parts. We strive on having highly professional project management to drive acceptance and adoption within your business.